Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dancefloor Memories Pt I, Closing the Saint

They say that our most intense memories are created by intense pleasure or fear. I am sure we all have many examples of each of those.

I would like to share a moment in time where pleasure was at it's peak for me. It occurred at the closing party of The Saint which began at 8 pm on the 29th of April and concluded at 1 pm on May 1st 1988. The Disc Jockeys for the party included Chuck Parsons, Mark Thomas, Terry Sherman, Warren Gluck, Jim Burgess, Michael Fierman and Robbie Leslie. The lights were conducted by Richard Tucker, Richard Erskine, Richard Sabala and Mark Ackerman.

Carlos Diaz, Jack DePasse, Michael Ahmsworthy and my love, Alex Anais Fonseca were dancing to Etta Jame's version of Blowin' in the Wind. It was around 10AM on Monday. We were at 10 O'clock on the round dance floor.Robbie Leslie was spinning what was to be the last set of the party.I believe Richard Sabala was to his right working the lights with the magic of a thousand fingers. As I looked around at the faces of my friends, I called to each of them and said, remember this moment. We will never have this moment again. This gathering of friends and feelings and emotions shall never be duplicated. Remember this moment for as long as you live. "I then kissed each of them and cried, but not for long. There was such joy that morning. "How many oceans must a white dove cross before it can rest in the sand?"
Would you like to share a memory of pleasure or pain that remains a part of you today?
Click on the blueprints and construction plans for the dome and the dancefloor to make them bigger.

Drag Queens I Have Known

Ariel Photography, Ann Arbor, Sue Donymous, Cindy Cation, Mary Widow, Jennifer Convertibles, Anna Mation, Rosetta Stoned, Rose Tattoo, Pearl Onion, Carrie Okee, Brooke Trout, Sarah Tonin, Ginger Ale, Laurel Canyon, Sybil Union, Tami Flu, Felice Navidad, Taylor Law, Celine Solution, Farrah Moans—and for a drag king, Dick Cutoff.